Good grain quality affects the quality and quantity of rice produced
Good grain quality affects the quality and quantity of rice produced. The quality of the grain can be determined by several factors including water content, milled yield and grain purity. What is meant by water content is the percentage (%) of water content in grain grains.
The next factor is the level of grain purity which is determined by how much foreign matter is in the whole grain. Foreign objects in question such as gravel, rice stalks, other grains, wood to pest carcasses and empty/damaged grain in the whole grain. If there are more foreign matter and empty/damaged grain, the purity level of the grain will decrease. To separate these foreign objects, a pre-cleaner/garbage sieve can be used to remove foreign objects such as rice stalks, ropes, and logs carried from the fields during the harvesting process. To separate the grain from the gravel, a stoner machine can be added to make it more optimal in sorting the carried gravel, which will also help the performance of the husker machine.
The moisture content and the level of grain purity affect the milled yield. The variety of grain and the performance of milling machines also have a role in the quantity of milled yield. If the water content is at an optimal stage of 13-15% and the level of grain purity is in very good condition, then the resulting yield will be good too. To get the water content, it can be maximized by using a smart dryer, where this machine will reduce the water content to the optimal point evenly with a low level of broken rice.
The uniformity of grain varieties makes machine adjustments easier and minimizes the chance of broken rice percentage. For this reason, it is very important to pay attention to the selection of the right machine to be used in the milling process. To achieve a high level of yield, use quality machines.
Source: Rice Milling Technology