11 hours ago
Alternative technology innovation of solar rice drying
The solar drying method of rice is very common in Asia due to its low cost compared to mechanical drying. However, solar dryers tend to have limited capacities and difficult drying temperatures to control. In this method the grain can easily become too hot causing the grain to crack which will affect the grinding quality. The following are some of the disadvantages that can arise from using this method:
- Uneven drying.
- Cement temperature and ambient temperature cannot be controlled.
- Unpredictable weather conditions.
- It takes a lot of manpower.
- A large area is required for drying.
- Damaged/Lost during drying due to stirring process, or eaten by birds/rodents.
To overcome this, the use of a rice dryer/dryer can be a better alternative. Especially if the drying is done in very large quantities or very high moisture content.
Here are the advantages of using a Batch Circulating Dryer:
- Proses pengeringan merata
- Suhu pengeringan stabil dan dapat dikontrol dengan baik sehingga resiko beras broken rendah.
- Penggunaan tenaga manusia minimal.
- Proses pengeringan tidak bergantung pada cuaca dan dapat digunakan secara terus menerus.
- Hemat tempat.