11 hours ago

Why is a Color Sorter Machine needed?


The polished rice is rice that has a clear white color, but it is undeniable that it is also mixed with other colored rice. The rice preferred by consumers today is clear white rice and is free from a mixture of other colors (yellow, brown, black).
Why is there still rice with colors other than clear white?
Yellow or pseudo-yellow rice is caused by an incomplete or uneven grain drying process. In this modern era to minimize this, many people switch to using a dryer machine where by using this machine, of course, drying evenly and not being affected by the weather.
Brown or black rice comes from damaged grain which can be caused by weather or poor soil fertility or it can also come from other rice varieties that are carried away at harvest time. Because of this, to get rice with good quality and the same color, an additional machine is needed to sort the clear white color from other colors.
Color sorter machine / color sorting machine is a machine that specializes in sorting rice by color. In this case, rice is divided into 2 groups, namely standard rice and non-standard rice. Standard rice is clear white rice, while non-standard rice is rice other than clear white rice.
In addition to sorting colors, this machine can also help remove foreign objects such as dead pests that are carried away at harvest time. So the rice selected is pure, only clear white rice. Therefore, this color sorting machine has a big contribution for those of you who produce premium rice.
In addition to rice, there is also a color sorting machine for other grains such as coffee, beans, tea, plastic and corn. For recommendations for color sorting machines based on experience, Meyer's color sorter machine is a machine that is quite widely used in rice factories.