Dream Flagship 6 / 8 / 10 / Max


Rice color sorting machine with the highest performance standards and the most complete features. The machine has been equipped with an Infrared speed monitor camera that is able to accurately separate: glass, desiccants, transparent plastic, stones with similar colors, and other materials.

Color Sorter Dream Features:

  • IngAs Infrared Quad Camera
  • Sniper System
  •  Nano level visible light ultra clear color sensor
  • New Maglev Ejector
  • Full specrum lighting system
  • PID Inlet Feeding monitor & Control System
Models Channel Capacity (Ton/Hours)
Dream Flagship  6 360 3,6 - 4,5
Dream Flagship  8 480 6 - 7,5
Dream Flagship  10 600 7,2 - 9
Dream Flagship  Max 780 8,4 - 10,5

 * Capacity is adjusted according to material and percentage of impurities

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